
Live far? Short On Time? No Problem! Comprehensive Wellness Consults are now available by Phone, Email, and Online

The process is as simple as one, two, three

  1. Contact Dr. Olejak by phone to set up a consult time and work out payment in advance
  2. Fax or scan/email information forms (use the forms below)
  3. Connect over the phone or online for the consult and Dr. Olejak will ask specific questions and provide a detailed list of recommendations.

Getting Started Reach Out To Dr. Olejak:

Download the forms below to prepare for your consultation:

By phone: 518-301-5717
By email:
Skype address: askthedoc

By fax: 518-439-8489


“I had been concerned that I might have a serious health problem after experiencing chronic diarrhea for over 6 months. I consulted with an internist as well as a gastroenterologist which resulted in numerous blood tests and a colonoscopy. All the results were normal, but the condition persisted so an endoscopy was then prescribed. It was at that point that I consulted with Dr. Olejak who I knew was knowledgeable about diet, nutrition and physiology. After sending him copies of my blood work, he reviewed the test results with me on the phone. Our discussion revealed that the chronic diarrhea might be due to medications I was taking every day for chronic pain (prescribed medication for arthritis, plus over the counter Tylenol for back pain from an injury).”

“Dr. Olejak explained that my liver and kidneys may possibly be functioning poorly and not doing their work of detoxifying my system as a result of being assaulted daily by pain medication and that I consult my doctor or pharmacist. Because this could cause irritation to the lining of my gut, I decided to test this theory, and eliminated ALL of these pain medications. In less than one week my bowel movements returned to normal! As a result of this reversal, I decided to cancel that endoscopy, since it no longer seemed necessary. I am now using supplements he recommended to support my digestive tract function. Dr. Olejak’s insight and guidance helped me to realize that I had slipped into a dangerous pattern of self-medicating for chronic pain. I am now pursuing life style changes to eliminate my pain (acupuncture, chiropractic, weight loss, exercise, etc.), rather than masking health problems with pain-killers. Thank you Dr. Olejak, for putting me back on a healthy path!” ~ Letitia Dayer, Greenwich, NY


Initial Comprehensive Wellness consult is $85

Follow up consults are $2.00 per minute
• minimum billing increment is 5 minutes
• established patients who have had an initial in-office consult may waive the $85 fee

Example: A 10 minute follow up consult would cost $20.00.

get-in-touchPNG  Make an appointment via email, or call 518 301-5717.

IT Makes It Possible

With high speed internet technology available in most areas real-time consultations are available for anyone who is housebound, in a remote location or for anyone who just wants a second opinion for their case.

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