Comprehensive Wellness Evaluations (Delmar AND Chatham, NY)

Typically, when you see a doctor you get a very focused 10 min evaluation that revolves around obtaining a diagnosis and getting a prescription or surgical treatment for a particular symptom … this is not that.


So, What Is A Wellness Evaluation — What Do I Get?

Summary: We’ll sit down for a minimum of 45 minutes and ask a lot of questions. Do a deep inquiry into your health history and how you came to deal with your particular health issue. Our way of doing things is patient-centered. You’ll get expert nutritional advice based on the rigorous science of phytotherapy.

Many people choose Dr. Google, but the downside to all that information is that without a background in anatomy and physiology you might go down a path that is a dead end.  The benefits to speaking with a professional are enormous — and here’s why.  If you think about caring for yourself there are three distinct areas to consider.

    • What you know
    • What you don’t know
    • And what you don’t know you don’t know

This last one is really important because if you can’t see what is in your blind spot – you won’t know where to look for a solution and won’t know what to do or even what questions to ask.

The other aspect is motivation. If you actually know what is required to have full vitality and you’re not living that way — knowing really makes no difference. There is what to do (which you may or may not know) and then there is getting into action (the motivation) and staying in action (the accountability) to see things through to a result.  For this process, you need a coach.

You could say that knowing is the booby prize.

For example, everyone knows that eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is not going to generate health, but based on the stock price, Ben and Jerry’s is doing fine!

Here Is What YOUR Wellness Evaluation Looks Like:


  • A complete overview of your health history
  • What you are doing and not doing
  • A look at what you could do
  • A discussion about what you will and won’t do (and why)
  • A direction to move in (that might include lifestyle changes, supplements and dietary changes) with the motivation to go there
  • A structure for accountability so over time you get the result.

The consult revolves around you and what your particular set of concerns are.  Maybe you feel fatigued? Or don’t sleep well? Or your digestion is not quite right.  You might have the sense that there is something vaguely off, but it’s not so serious you need to see a medical physician. Or you’ve seen a medical physician and heard something like “we can’t help you”, “your condition is idiopathic” (that means we don’t know) or “you’ll have to live with it.”

Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of a comprehensive wellness evaluation!

get-in-touchPNG Make an appointment via email, or call 518 301-5717.



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