So Many Benefits Including Weight Loss
It never ceases to amaze me how such a simple thing like what you eat can alter the quality of your life.
No one diet is perfect, but this one comes close.
The Mediterranean Diet has proven its value time and time again in clinical trials.
In this study, telomeres (the bits on the end of the chromosome) tell the tale of how the Mediterranean Diet can lengthen your life span.
Apart from longer telomeres, there are vascular benefits fromt the Mediterranean Diet.
If there are specific issues with high blood pressure, peripheral circulation or plaque formation — there are specific herbs that can be added to the Mediterranean Diet to support normal cardio-vascular function.
Hawthorn is an herb that comes to mind. The berries and leaves in hawthorn are rich in anthocyanadins and support vascular function by reducing arteriole stiffness . This has the effect of lowering blood pressure.
Globe artichoke also comes to mind as an herb to support the liver in its capacity to deal with the packaging of fats. Cynara, the phytonutrient in Globe Artichoke, is strongly hypolipidemic.
Combine the Mediterranean Diet with any of these herbs or the Delmar Wellness Detox Program and you’ve got a winner.
Autumn is a great time to re-boot your diet, do the detox and lose 15 lbs in 21 days or less. You’ll feel better.
At the DWC, we have done the detox many times ourselves and guided many through it. Ask me how.
Eat well and keep in touch,
Dr. Olejak