
 Tim Rhudy, M.S., L.Ac. is one of the few acupuncturists in the country practicing “Acupuncture Physical Medicine”. Tim was the lone staff L.Ac. (Licensed Acupuncturist) at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic Dept of Pain Management from 2005 through 2011. The Cleveland Clinic attracts some of the most complex patient cases in the country. Many who have exhausted their local healthcare options without success find their way to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment. Tim has treated thousands of patients – many with complex, challenging and sometimes, unique conditions.

Tim is known for his lively lectures to lay audiences and healthcare professionals alike, and, for his ability to present clearly the ‘foreign’ concepts of acupuncture to western audiences. Tim has been interviewed and quoted in Arthritis Today, Men’s Health Advisor, WebMD, The Musculoskeletal Report, and his unique treatments and protocols have been featured in Vim and Vigor Magazine, and Cleveland Clinic’s own press publications. Tim has also been featured on local and national television news features, and radio shows discussing Acupuncture as Physical Medicine.

Formerly an engineering geologist, and later an actor on the New York stage, Tim combines the pragmatism of a scientist with the thoughtful approach of an artist-philosopher in his treatment of each patient as a complex, unique individual. Combining those interests, Tim has developed the Back to Zero path to wellness – which you can read about on his website

“During the last four years I’ve had the humbling experience of a) being severely impacted by an injury from taking a prescription antibiotic, and b) acquiring multiple tick borne infections. Both of these issues defied orthodox medicine’s dogma and treatment. I had to work very hard with integrative, complementary medicine and my own extensive research and treatments to recover. I know what it’s like to suffer from conditions that orthodox medicine has no answers for, and in some cases, causes. It is my passion to help patients who have been disenfranchised and abandoned by orthodox medicine and to help guide them on a path back towards wholeness.

Whether you suffer from pain conditions, functional disorders, ‘chronic lyme’, or iatrogenic issues, it is my privilege to help you on your journey.”

Tim Rhudy

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