Worker’s Compensation

Workers compensation injury victims often benefit from the care of a chiropractor following an accident. If you have been injured in a workplace mishap, you likely sought immediate medical attention to check for and treat bodily trauma, such as broken bones, contusions, abrasions, organ damage, internal bleeding, hemorrhaging and loss of fluids. However, medical doctors typically do not provide treatment for neck pain, spinal subluxation or muscle injuries, which can cause ongoing pain and complications when left untreated. Dr. Olejak has extensive experience in diagnosing, treating and preventing such injuries.

Each year hundreds of workplace injuries occur in the Capital District Area. Following an accident, workers most commonly suffer from back pain, headaches, numbness and muscle stiffness, which in turn could affect job performance for many years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, sprains and strains – specifically those in the back – account for the majority of work-related injuries.

Dr. Olejak can provide complete care for workplace injuries to help employees recover and return to work with as few complications as possible. Dr. Olejak and his staff have extensive experience treating neck pain, back pain and other complications that arise from work-related injuries and have the administrative expertise to handle the paperwork too!  Chiropractic care has proven quite successful in helping workers compensation claimants achieve full recovery and reduce pain.

In addition to traditional neck and back adjustments, we offer soft tissue mobilization techniques and kinesio taping which address muscle restriction and joint instability. 

Furthermore, at our clinic, we not only treat musculoskeletal workplace injuries, but we can also help prevent them. When employees complete regular consultations and adjustments at our office, we can reduce the likelihood of a future workplace injury, as well as further lost time from work. 

Once you recover from your injury, we can provide the ongoing care you need to stay healthy. We can provide regular adjustments, nutritional support and access to therapeutic massage to help you maintain your health to prevent future injuries. With more than 25 years of chiropractic service and thousands of patients seen, you can trust that Dr. Olejak and the Delmar Wellness Center will provide you with the very best care when you need it most.

Regarding payment, our office accepts the NYS Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule.

If you’ve been injured on a job and don’t have coverage through an employer please don’t suffer with pain for lack of personal health insurance or ability to pay upfront.  We can work with you, if necessary, to customize a flexible payment plan that fits within your budget. 

emailicon-imgMake an appointment via email, or call 518 439-5077.

With more women in non-traditional work roles, such as construction, back injuries are more common.  A once-size-fits-all approach does not work for many women, thats why Dr. Olejak draws on a number of techniques for treating on-the-job spinal injuries.

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